Wednesday, 28 September 2011

3rd year begins

Its been a really slow start for me this year. Lots of things going out with Uni, left a job that i wasent happy in and have been in for four years and now have no job. Poor but happy, living off of sass money and handing out the odd c.v now and again. I find it difficult to get back in the swing of things. However, im starting to see some progress.

 A quick snap of my studio space, gathering crap already...

 Framed painting that i worked on near the end of summer

 Very small experimental painting

 Another mixed media experimental painting

 A painting that i worked on in the studio to get me started.

 The following pages are from a little book that i created for one of the one week module projects that we have to do, i chose to do materiality and meaning. For this one week project we were only aloud to use the colours black and white, we also had to only use one mark which was a simple line. I handed my book in as my final piece. These are only a few pages so that you get a rough idea of what i was doing. Its all very experimental .

 This self portrait is from the second module that we had to do, its based on a poem that everyone was given. Its based on the idea of me looking down at my old self, finally getting over things that have happend to me in the past and moving on as stronger person.

 I've also started to work in my little chairty shop find book.