Thursday, 21 July 2011

Another small sketch book update.

I have recently been in a bit of financial bother which has left me with alot more time at home and less going out. I went in to the third year studios at Uni today to visit a good friend called Allan who has been using the studios to work in over the summer. Visiting the studios has got me really excited about going back, i have alot of new ideas and i know what route i want to go down. I think that third year will be more focused and tutors will expect us to know what line of work we want to do. I have been missing the whole atmosphere at Uni, i miss looking round at everyones work and just being really inspired by whats around me.

I have found more time to do my artists book but i feel that i should put it down for a while and concentrate on creating larger pieces. I deeply miss painting and doing large mixed media works. So this will be the last update on the artists book for a while. I will maybe put a post up of the final outcome at a later date.

A good friend of mines called Jone (who is also an artist) has gifted me two old cannon photographer cameras and a tripod, the cameras come with diffrent lenzes too, they are fantastic. Jones left me with over 80 hand made frames too, all are diffrent styles and sizes. So i have plenty to work with!
The next update will be of framed works.

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